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Two men are apparently dead after a machete-wielding duel down in the Dominican Republic. A video went viral on Tuesday of the face off in San Pedro de Macorís — a small town on the southern part of the island,

During the battle, one of the assailants lost a hand, and after the altercation, calmly walked back to the spot where his hand had been hacked off.

During the wild battle, the combatants exchanged wild hacks, and, at first, it seems like one man had gained the advantage as he forced his opponent to the ground and rained licks as if he was trying to chop off his head.

Somehow, the man on the ground slashed at the man’s left hand while on the ground, chopping it off by the wrist and regained his footing. The injured man bolted while the other man walked away, his face red with rivers of blood.

After which, the wristless, maimed man nonchalantly walked towards his severed appendage, picked up and walked away.

Local reports cite eyewitnesses who say the men were actually friends … and this war was actually over a woman. The injured man was taken to a local hospital, but it’s unclear if doctors could salvage the hand and re-attach it.

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