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VYBZ KARTEL NEWS: Vybz Kartel has lost 20 per cent of heart function…developing heart failure

In a medical report dated May 2, 2024, the World Boss’ doctor reportedly a startling fact: the Fever artiste has “lost 20 per cent of his heart’s function” from the capacity it was at this time last year. The report postulates that this heart function loss increases his risk for a heart attack. “His echocardiogram […]

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BABYLON SAY ’Jail no Bail’ for KARTEL and co-accused ; HABEAS CORPUS DEFEATED BEFORE RE-Trial hearing

Justice Andrea Thomas struck down a “premature” habeas corpus appeal by Vybz Kartel’s attorneys today saying that the Fever deejay’s continued detention was not in breach of the constitution. The matter moved to the chief courtroom on the Supreme Court building this morning. Vybz Kartel and two of his three co-accused will remain in arcs […]

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Incarcerated dancehall artiste Shawn Storm shared a heartbreaking reel via his Instagram account that showed the stark reality of the squalid living conditions of prison life in the General Penitentiary. The post was captioned: “God nah mek mi spend a next year Ina Dem place yah” #Kingstonice #FreedomStreet #FreeVybzKartel #FreeShawnStorm. With a song called ‘Kingston […]

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Categories Breaking NewsEntertainment News

Shelly Teatime and Chy Chy bring the ex-drama to Vybz Kartel and Likkle Addi with ‘Basic’

Wonder what the World Boss and Shorty are going to say about this one? Social media sensation Shelly ‘Shelly Teatime’ Curran has teamed up with singjay Kayla ‘Chy Chy’ Gardiner, the alleged babymother of Likkle Addi, Vybz Kartel’s son, to release a saucy new song dubbed ‘Basic’. The song is a feel-good dancehall romp celebrating […]

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Categories Breaking NewsEntertainment News

Amari defends Vybz Kartel, pleads with government to get him immediate help

Social media blogger Amari “Dj Mona Lisa” has criticized the Jamaican government for its handling of the health situation of incarcerated dancehall artiste Vybz Kartel’s deteriorating health. “We’re not saying free Kartel, we’re saying make sure that he gets help in regards to his health ’cause when it reach ABC news, it make Jamaica look […]

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