Categories Breaking Newsx rated jamaica videos and pictures

Tyga De Alpha makes breakthrough with ‘Never Before’

Dancehall artiste Tygah De Alpha is generating heat in the streets with the risque Never Before single. “The feedback has been great, to the point where most people even believed that the vocals were actually those of a well-known artiste, so I view that as a compliment,” the artiste whose real name is Javion Alensie […]

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Categories abena newsBreaking NewsEntertainment Newsx rated jamaica videos and pictures

Khizy Kash gets international buzz with Rich Rich

Internationally signed artist Khizy Kash has been streaming well on all digital and streaming platforms with her latest single, Rich Rich. An accompanying music video is slated to drop next week on BET Jams. The upbeat “RICH RICH” is an impressive follow up to her buzzing “TRENDING,” which also enjoyed rotation on BET Jams. A […]

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Categories abena newsjamaica smut storiesx rated jamaica videos and pictures

Teejay vows to ‘Killy Kill’ in Byron Messia diss

Even though US music insider Funkmaster Flex has called for a ceasefire in the lyrical hostilities between Teejay and Byron Messia, a track called Killy Kill has started making the rounds as another salvo in the war of words between the two dancehall stars. The song appears on the Red Rum riddim previously released by […]

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Thesarus drops new video Who Knows on November 10th

Dancehall artiste Thesarus addresses the fragility and complexities of human life with his haunting new single, Who Knows. “I did this song just to highlight the uncertainty and the unpredictable aspect of life! Nobody knows what tomorrow has up its sleeve,” Thesarus said.  Thesarus asks important philosophical questions as he sings: who knows how tomorrow […]

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Categories Entertainment News

Amari “DJ Mona Lisa’ says doctors are “closely monitoring’ her health since Gully Bop’s death

Fans of Amari “Dj Mona Lisa” are concerned that her deep sorrow at the death of her beloved Gully Bop coupled with her recent rapid weight loss may create a dangerous health situation for her. They fear that her grief could send her spiralling into a deep depression. However, the powerful social media blogger has […]

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Ginjah is ‘incredibly happy’ with ‘Music Is Mine’

Reggae star Ginjah is ecstatic that his latest album, ‘Music Is Mine’, is streaming well internationally, popping up on several ethnic and music streaming charts worldwide since its release in October. “It’s a great look, my album came out too late for Grammy consideration but there is always next year. I am incredibly happy with […]

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Categories abena newsjamaica smut storiesx rated jamaica videos and pictures

Amari “DJ Mona Lisa” threatens to “dig up Gully Bop and bury him the right way’ if family members fail to send him off with dignified funeral

Amari “DJ Mona Lisa”, the late Gully Bop’s ex-girlfriend, has hit out against her detractors who have attacked her because she said that Gully Bop’s family has no money to bury him. “Mi personally will put off my trip and come a Jamaica, and come box somebody inna dem face,” she vowed during her Instagram […]

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