Categories abena newsEntertainment Newsx rated jamaica videos and pictures

Fantan Mojah charged for breaching curfew orders

Controversial Reggae artist Fantan Mojah was arrested over the weekend and charged with breaches of the curfew orders promulgated under the Disaster Risk Management Act (“DRMA”). The Hail The King singer was returning from the studio when he allegedly breached the curfew order. “I was on Red Hills Road, and the police gave me a […]

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Categories Breaking NewsHome


An Ananda Alert has been activated for 14-year-old Tiffany Jervis, a resident of Brunswick Avenue, Spanish Town in St. Catherine who has been missing since Saturday, April 10. She is of brown complexion, medium build, and about 135 centimetres (4 feet 5 inches) tall. Reports from the Spanish Town Police are that Tiffany was last […]

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Categories Entertainment NewsGossip & RumoursMusic

10Tik meets DJ Khaled at Jamaican hotel resort for high level meeting

10Tik, the viral Dancehall sensation from Red Hills Road, landed a face-to-face meeting with American producer and record executive DJ Khaled who is in Jamaica putting the final touches on his upcoming album Khaled Khaled. In a video posted on his Instagram account, 10 Tik announces to his 19.8k followers that “DJ Khaled call we […]

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Categories abena newsGossip & RumoursPress Release

MP caught in domestic violence abuse video probe

Gender and Culture Minister Olivia Grange, has condemned a video showing a violent confrontation between a man and a woman, which, allegedly, involves a member of parliament. The video has been circulating on social media In a release this afternoon, Grange said she has discussed the video with Minister of National Security Dr Horace Chang […]

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Categories Breaking Newsx rated jamaica videos and pictures

Peter arrested for threatening ‘Denise’

The police have arrested the man who was heard threatening to kill a woman referred to as “Denise” in a telephone conversation from which a recording made the rounds on social media on Saturday. Charged with malicious communication and preventing a person from buying or selling is 46-year-old Peter Maye, a farmer of Hartlands District […]

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Categories Entertainment Newsjamaica smut storiesMusicOne 876 GirlsPress Release

Gun seized from Tommy Lee Sparta linked to murders in Corporate Area

There will be apparently no “brighter days” ahead for incarcerated dancehall deejay Tommy Lee Sparta as police sources have alleged that the gun seized from him and which led to his recent incarceration has now been linked to at least two murders that occurred in the Corporate Area. However, attorney-at-law Donahue Martin, the lawyer representing […]

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Categories Breaking Newsx rated jamaica videos and pictures

Woman murdered in Burnt Savannah

Police are investigating the circumstances which left a 38-year-old woman stabbed to death at her home in Burnt Savannah, a farming community a few miles south west of Santa Cruz early Tuesday. The St Elizabeth police identified the victim as Natesha Waite, unemployed, of Bug Lane, Burnt Savannah. Police said that about 9:15 am, Waite […]

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Categories Breaking NewsNews

Wounded robber turns up at hospital, arrested

Detectives from the Manchester Police Division have arrested and charged a man with robbery with aggravation, illegal possession of a firearm, illegal possession of ammunition and shooting with intent following a robbery in the parish on Saturday, March 27. A co-accused of the suspect, 22-year-old Jordane Brown of Mount Pleasant district, Balaclava, St Elizabeth, was […]

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