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Style X makes huge comeback with ‘Gal Clowna Virus’

Dancehall artiste Style X a.k.a the Fatty Boss has made a triumphant return to Dancehall. For several years, he took a self-imposed sabbatical from the music industry because he “was dealing with some family business”. However, with the expiration of his previous contract with Claims Records, he is getting back in the Dancehall Game with […]

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Categories Breaking NewsEntertainment NewsMusic

Alkaline fails to grab top prize, and nosedives on the second week on Billboard

Dancehall star Alkaline had a precipitous fall out of the Top 10 of the Billboard Reggae Albums chart after his Top Prize album debuted on the chart one week ago. Alkaline’s nosedive mirrors the experience of most dancehall acts who often see a big drop off in sales in the second week. Top Prize, the […]

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Categories Breaking NewsEntertainment News

Akino Dirtfree doesn’t play ‘Loose Ball’

Recently labelled as the industry’s best kept secret, Akino “Dirtfree” is winning over fans with a new track, a lyrical masterpiece titled “Loose Ball” that combines traditional dancehall energy with a hip hop flair. This song, released on the Program Over Everything Music over a week ago, is accompanied by a high energy video, which […]

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Categories Breaking NewsEntertainment Newsjamaica smut stories

Dovey Magnum released by ICE

Nigel Angus, manager for dancehall artiste, Dovey Magnum, has confirmed that his client is no longer in the custody of US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). This follows a post made to the Bawl Out singer’s official Instagram page, which states the entertainer is “home and resting”. Dovey Magnum was last week arrested by ICE […]

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The Jamaica Tourist Board is sharply distancing itself from a major party series that was recently held in Negril, Westmoreland in clear breach of the Disaster Risk Management Act and the overall COVID-19 health and safety protocols. The (JTB) is particularly distancing itself from the use of it material to promote the event(s). Minister of […]

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Categories Breaking NewsEntertainment Newsjamaica smut stories

WARMY faces off with cops

A video of an encounter between Member of parliament for St Catherine South Western Everald Warmington and cops from the St Catherine South Police Division has been making the rounds on social media. Warmington seemingly rebuked a senior cop for instructing one of his juniors to video record him after declaring that he would be […]

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Categories abena newsBreaking NewsOne 876 Girlsx rated jamaica videos and pictures

Spice to give away $1 million for Go Down Deh dance

In a recent post, Spice announced a partnership with Magnum Tonic Wine to grant one lucky dancer a million dollars. The top 10 entries will be shortlisted by @spiceofficial and reposted on her page; submission ends June 10th. First, second and third place winners will be selected by @spiceofficial and @magnumtonicwine representatives based on talent, […]

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Categories Breaking NewsEntertainment NewsMusic

Skillibeng hits Billboard Hot 100 and British charts

Dancehall act Skillibeng made his debut on the British pop chart with Crocodile Teeth debuting at number 74 on the United Kingdom Official Chart. Crocodile Teeth was released last October and is co-produced by Johnny Wonder and Adde Instrumentals. Crocodile Teeth is Skillibeng’s highest streaming song to date, currently amassing over 20 million views on […]

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