Categories Entertainment Newsjamaica smut storiesx rated jamaica videos and pictures

Sizzla burns a fire on Spice

Rastafarian firebrand deejay Sizzla has heaped coals of fire on the well-coiffed head of fellow entertainer Spice who he has accused of using her online platform to promote homosexuality and lesbianism. “Jamaican artistes already knew that our indigenous music bashes against homosexuals and lesbianism. We Jamaicans bash against anything that is corrupt and misleading to […]

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Categories Breaking NewsEntertainment NewsMusicUncategorized

Gun in Linval ‘Shabdon’ Thompson case is the stolen property of the Atlanta P.D

Controversial dancehall producer Linval ‘ShabDon’ Thompson was granted bail in the sum of $250,000 when he appeared in the Gun Court today to answer illegal gun and ammunition charges. His co-accused Romaro Scott was remanded in custody when he appeared alongside Thompson on the illegal gun charges. Scott will next appear in court on December […]

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Bedridden 76 year-old killed by grandson

The Trelawny police have taken a 26-year-old man into custody for questioning in connection with the fatal stabbing of his 76-year-old grandmother on Sunday. The deceased has been identified as Violet Walcott of Allsides district, Wait-A-Bit, Trelawny. Reports are that on Sunday at about 11pm, Walcott, who is bedridden, was found in her bed with […]

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Categories Breaking NewsEntertainment NewsMusicNewsPress Release

Wesrok and Masicka team up for ‘Try to Hold Me’

Reggae-dancehall recording artiste Wesrok is intent on becoming one of the most dominant forces in the industry. That is why he has teamed up with Masicka, one of the leading dancehall figures for a single, Try To Hold Me that has sent dancehall tongues wagging. The single was released on the Troyton Music and 360 […]

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Categories Breaking NewsEntertainment NewsMusicOne 876 GirlsReviews

Latoya Shea is a spiritual life coach to the stars

The effervescent Latoya Shea, a Jamaican-born US-based spiritual life coach, is reaching out to the reggae and dancehall community, as well as people in all walks of life. “I believe that as one searches for a deeper meaning of life, people realize that their truest desire is to know God. This includes artistes and non-artistes […]

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Categories Breaking NewsGossip & RumoursMusicPress Release

Jah Cure is not free despite Instagram post

Reggae artiste Jah Cure’s Instagram account was recently updated with a video of the singer dancing in a full black ensemble with a purple jacket, while sporting a red designer bag and white sneakers. The caption to this happy scene said: Never put too much trust in any man ☝️ suspect everyone trust no one🙏🏾 […]

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Categories abena newsEntertainment Newsjamaica smut storiesx rated jamaica videos and pictures

Abihail Myrie will not press charges against Buju Banton in alleged assault case

It appears that model Abihail Myrie will not be pressing assault charges against a family member who allegedly strangled her. According to Myrie’s legal counsel, Ayisha Robb, her client didn’t make herself available to the lawmen on Wednesday, nor does such an appearance seem likely today so that Myrie’s name could be struck from the […]

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