Categories Entertainment Newsjamaica smut storiesx rated jamaica videos and pictures

Wesley Diamond believes that greed is the biggest sin. WATCH VIDEO: Revelation 20

Dancehall artiste Wesley Diamond believes that human greed will lead to global cataclysms never before seen. He believes that the happenings in Sri Lanka with its overthrow of a president and his government means that the worst is yet to come. “The biggest sin on earth is greed,” Wesley Diamond said. He delivers this sombre […]

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Blue IQ values the ‘Superwoman’

Dancehall artiste Blue IQ knows the value of a good woman. That is the inspiration behind ‘Superwoman’, his ode to the virtue, patience and resilience of the Jamaican woman. “The inspiration behind this song is really every woman I have ever dated,” the artiste said. “ My life has been a continuous mission to improve […]

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Categories Breaking NewsEntertainment NewsGossip & Rumours

Popcaan targeted once more by cops in St. Thomas

Are the cops in St. Thomas targeting Popcaan? A video which emerged this week with Ms. World Toni-Ann Singh, the rumoured girlfriend of Dancehall entertainer Popcaan, in a verbal confrontation with members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) shows that things are not hunky-dory with the Unruly Boss. The video, which has been widely circulated […]

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Categories Breaking NewsEntertainment News

Lil Hanky Panky is so ‘Special’

German-born dancehall fusion artiste Lil Hanky Panky is pleased with the feedback to her latest single, Special featuring Chi Ching Ching. “Everybody loves the collaboration. We performed the song on a couple of live events and we have great chemistry together, people are loving this song, and saying they didn’t know I could dance like […]

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Categories Breaking NewsEntertainment NewsMusic

Spice scores big with SPOTIFY’S EQUAL campaign

Grammy nominated dancehall deejay Spice landed another major feather in her well-coiffed wig when she was featured on Spotify’s EQUAL campaign recently. Since its launch, EQUAL has shone the spotlight on women through global partnerships, content experiences, and platform support, which are all created to foster equity for women in audio and celebrate their contributions. […]

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Categories Entertainment Newsx rated jamaica videos and pictures

Chris Brown, Red Rat copyright case moves towards settlement

Oh no! The copyright battle involving reggae label Greensleeves Publishing, singer Chris Brown and his label Sony Music may be stalled for 90 days as a Greensleeves Records lawyer has requested a 90 day extension on a critical deadline to move the suit forward. The case seems to be headed for an out-of-court settlement. The […]

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Categories Entertainment News

Lady Allen goes viral after falling asleep at Queen’s Jubilee event

Lady Patricia Allen, the wife of Jamaica’s Governor General Sir Patrick Allen, fell asleep at a major diplomatic event and became an Internet meme after she was caught on video apparently fast asleep. The event was the Platinum Jubilee Pageant in the UK on Sunday. The wife of the Queen’s representative in Jamaica was seated […]

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