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Skeng gets bail extension

Dancehall entertainer Skeng had his bail extended after making an appearance at the Kingston and St. Andrew Parish Court last week. Skeng, given name Kevon Douglas, is scheduled to return to court on Friday, November 7, 2022. The attorney representing the entertainer and co-accused, Christopher Townsend, noted when the matter was raised, that security footage […]

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Categories Breaking Newsjamaica smut storiesx rated jamaica videos and pictures

Greensleeves Publishing reaches settlement with Chris Brown

The website Dancehall Mag has reported that Greensleeves Publishing Ltd has reached a settlement to end the copyright infringement lawsuit it filed against Chris Brown and his label Sony Music Entertainment. The lawsuit alleged that Brown’s song Privacy (2017) intentionally ripped off lyrics and rhythms from Red Rat’s song Tight Up Skit (1997). Greensleeves, which […]

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Categories abena newsBreaking Newsx rated jamaica videos and pictures

Ishawna inks with Payday Records

Dancehall artist Ishawna has signed an international record deal with New-York based Payday Records Equal Rights singer shared photos of the signing with producer Skatta Burrell and Payday music executive Patrick Moxey, in Manhattan, New York earlier this week. Payday Records was relaunched in 2017, 25 years after it was founded by Moxey in 1992. […]

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Categories abena newsBreaking NewsEntertainment NewsOne 876 GirlsReviews

A’mari set to jet off to Africa to do reggae festivals in Tanzania

Social media blogger and recording artiste A’mari “DJ Mona Lisa” will be heading to the continent of Africa this month to perform in reggae festivals in Ethiopia and Tanzania. “I applied for my visa to Ethiopia and I should receive the visa this week. The accommodations and everything is already in place. I will be […]

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Categories Breaking NewsEntertainment NewsGossip & RumoursPress Release

Black Queen aka Maroon Queen blazes Marcus Garvey celebration

St. Ann-based reggae singer Black Queen delivered a powerful performance at the IRIE FM Marcus Garvey Celebration held last week in Ocho Rios that surprised and impressed the large gathering With flag-waving dancers in tow and dressed in a flowing yellow African print dress, she used every square inch of the stage as she pranced […]

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Miguel Wealthy heats up dancehall with ‘Bubble’

Clarendon-based dancehall artiste Miguel Wealthy is upbeat about the enthusiastic response to his high-energy, dance-ready ‘Bubble’ song in the local dancehalls. “The song ah tek off inna the street parties in Kingston after Pretti Pretti hosted a dance competition and it went viral on social media. Right now mi have hundreds of videos of girls […]

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Categories abena newsBreaking Newsjamaica smut stories

KingBreezy breaks free of poverty with ‘Opulence’ EP

Dancehall artiste KingBreezy’s mother passed away at age 22, and the deejay doesn’t have a great relationship with his father, but is determined to break the chain of poverty and abuse that defined his young life. “Mi no like the word, ‘poor’, my songs are focused on prosperity, happiness and the importance of family, so […]

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Categories abena newsEntertainment News

RT Boss promotes new ‘Shake’ video on Onstage with Winford Williams

Trending dancehall artiste RT Boss announced recently that he has resolved his feud with former best friend, Spice, after the two had a much-publicised spat earlier this year. He told Onstage TV host Winford Williams that the two had buried the hatchet – but not in each other. “I don’t call it a war, I […]

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Categories Breaking NewsEntertainment NewsMusic

Spice shocks Twitter with porn-like clip from Tape Measure video

Oops, she did it again! Spice riled up dancehall fans across the globe when she dropped an “uncut” portion from her upcoming Tape Measure video which set tongues wagging. She strolls languidly around two well-endowed male models and in one of the clips, a phallus is exposed. Some males didn’t take too kindly to Spice […]

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