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Spice is not as critical as the media thinks

As Spice’s ‘besties’ wait for her to pop up on Instagram and dispel their rising fears about her health, the rumours and speculation continue to mushroom around the Love & Hip Hop Atlanta star. The Go Dung Deh singer reportedly traveled to the Dominican Republic for plastic surgery and suffered complications that forced her to […]

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State to do DNA test on dead baby dumped in sewer at KPH

Ministry of Health and Wellness said it had received a report of the discovery of a deceased foetus in the sewer at the Kingston Public Hospital. According to preliminary information received, the foetus was discovered by a man cleaning the sewer underneath the basement of the hospital. The matter has been reported to the police […]

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Categories abena newsBreaking NewsEntertainment News

Why did Dr. Marcos Soto turn down dancehall artiste Spice for additional surgery in the Dominican Republic?

Fans have been asking why Spice did not return to her original plastic surgeon to do her second procedure, instead of running the risk of employing a new specialist to do her cosmetic surgery enhancement. Why? Why? The question has become increasingly urgent as fans wonder if the dancehall hitmaker will emerge healthy after developing […]

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Categories abena newsjamaica smut storiesx rated jamaica videos and pictures

OD Obviously Different rocks the reggae massive with ‘Fyah’

With a stage name like OD Obviously Different, you know that this reggae artiste seeks to be outstanding inall that he touches. He is getting a lot of kudos for being the executive producer of the critically regarded Holy45 projectwhich is reportedly doing well in Europe. OD Obviously Different leads out with the project with […]

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J Man’s blood found at crime scene, court documents say

According to the court records obtained by Nationwide Radio, the G-City Gang is at odds with the Badbreed Gang triggering a major turf war in Lauderhill, Florida. The conflict originated in Salt Spring, St James with the alleged leaders being Fredman for G-City and Marvin Brown otherwise called Ramos, based in Atlanta, Georgia. On the […]

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Categories abena newsBreaking NewsEntertainment Newsjamaica smut storiesx rated jamaica videos and pictures

Lauderhill Police could be swooping in on J Man’s associates as dragnet tightens

The Lauderhill Police department confirmed that they had arrested one suspect, Jahreme Shelton, in relation to the double homicide, and charged him with two counts of first degree murder/premeditated murder. Shelton, a dancehall producer known as J Man, is the principal of a independent label called J Man Records and a close associate of a […]

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Categories Breaking NewsEntertainment News

Spice’s botched surgery in the Dom Rep leaves fans worried

Dancehall star Spice is believed to be in stable condition at a medical facility after developing complications during cosmetic enhancement surgery in the Dominican Republic. Spice’s booking agent refuted rumours that the Indicator deejay had slipped into a coma after being intubated after developing post-op complications. “She didn’t suffer a heart attack and she is […]

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Categories abena newsjamaica smut stories

Spice is in coma in Dominican Republic has confirmed that Spice is now in a coma after experiencing complications following surgery in the Dominican Republic. Checks with close friends confirmed that Spice’s sister had to fly in to the Dom Rep when it emerged that the So Mi Like It singer was experiencing complications. “She has been in a coma for […]

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Categories Breaking Newsx rated jamaica videos and pictures

Will Squash be arrested as he is named in court documents in double murder in Florida?

According to the court records, the G-City Gang is at odds with the Badbreed Gang triggering a major turf war in Lauderhill, Florida. The conflict originated in Salt Spring, St James with the alleged leaders being Fredman for G-City and Marvin Brown otherwise called Ramos, based in Atlanta, Georgia. On the night of October 19, […]

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