The family of dancehall artiste Keshan wants the police officers to do a thorough investigation of the circumstances surrounding the death of the dancehall artiste at the hands of her lover, a licensed firearm holder, who shot and killed her on Saturday morning.
They have a lot of questions about the nature of the love triangle between Keshan, her lover and another woman.
“Keshan is a humble soul, she doesn’t talk much. She’s been with this guy for some time now. He had a baby mother with 2 kids. He told my her he’s no longer with the baby mother which she belived because he stays by her house sometimes or she stays by his house. My understanding is that he has been living a double life…denying both women to each other,” the sister told one876entertainment.com
“Keshan found out what he has been doing and she went to see him, he wasn’t at home and she went to see if he was by the woman house, he was there. They got into a fight and she smashed the car glass they continued to fight and then she got shot.”
The sister is upset that the licensed firearm holder may have acted improperly. Was he in clear and present danger where he had to discharge his firearm with extreme prejudice? And how seriously injured had the man been during the altercation to have been able to drive her to the Spanish Town hospital afterwards?
” My understanding is that he took her to the hospital after all this. What I can’t understand is it’s being said she stabbed him 3 times however he managed to drive to the hospital. How? I can’t wrap my head around it,” she said.
So sad. These are clear reminders that we must not act in anger. A beautiful lost and another facing Prison. These affairs are not to be embraced. Once there is a red flag and it is not a marriage walk away. Sometomes we can fight to save marriages. Devaststing for both families. Love triangles are now so prominent in the world.