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Ijahmar expresses his love for ‘Polo’

Dancehall lyrics have long declared the importance of fashion in the genre. From oversized garments to rasta colours to the co-opting and repurposing of luxury brands, dancehall has always been obsessed with fashion.

That is why dancehall singjay Ijahmar believes that his latest fashion-obsessed single, Polo, is the club banger he needs to elevate his career to the next level.

“Polo is a vibe song, inspired by just being on the ends with my friends, singing songs, and mi do a freestyle about Polo because it is like a brand that the whole Jamaica accepts as ours, and we nah watch other people, Polo can never stop wear ah yard. Mi record it and people love the reaction we ah get offa it so far,” he said.

The single was released on the Chase Mills Records label last week. Visuals have also been released for the project as well.

Born on December 2, 1992, he grew up in Rockfort, East Kingston. He was educated at the Norman Garden Primary and Junior High School and later graduated to the Edith Dalton James High School, where he discovered a love for music and started building his talent by the age of 15.

Ijahmar’s songs tackle social issues and matters of the heart, and are mixed with his optimistic philosophy that light exists in all things.

“Dancehall speaks to people globally because it is about defiance and self-definition, the ultimate form of black expression and that is why people are attracted to it. Reggae and dancehall are the only music genres that still talk about issues and consciousness,” he said.

He signed to New York-based record label One Hundred Degrees Records in 2018. Other standout songs include Dreams and Thousand Reasons.

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