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Cerine Rage stuns with ‘Butterfly’

Sexy is as sexy does. Just ask ghetto sex bomb Cerine Rage who is generating major buzz with her latest video, Butterfly.

Formerly known as Rage, the vivacious singjay is excit4d about the relaunch of her solo career.

“Sometimes in life, you have to take a break from everything and do some deep introspection and soul searching to move forward. Now I am back with a brand new mindset, a new image and a new management team. I am relaunching my solo career and this time I am going all the way to the top,” said the artiste.

Cerine Rage is currently promoting a racy dancehall single titled Butterfly. The song which was produced by Kloud IX Musik and G Productions was released on May 15.

“My new single is out and it’s doing well, it’s getting great support from DJs in Jamaica, the States, the UK, Canada, Europe and Africa. I am grateful for all the love it’s getting. The video is also doing well on YouTube, I am getting lots of positive feedback about it from my fans. It’s a good look, shout out to Eye Of The Lama Films they did some great work on this video,” she said.

Cerine Rage given name Cerine Gordon was born in the parish of St, Thomas. She’s a past student of St. Thomas Technical High School.

Cerine Rage made her debut in 2017 under the stage name Lady Rage with the release of a single titled Hot Type which was produced by Cornelius Records.

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